It's really diffrent!
By Samill93
It's a very nice vid'. It's like the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" but with Lilly Allen as a cartoon.
Veryyyy Nice!
By bluesglenn
i like it! this vid is different, but nice. instead of using lily allen, they used a cartoon, which is creative. but the song is amazing, and i wish more people knew about it!
The Best!
By roxasx111
I love this video
download it ASAP!!
Just Great <3
By dtomusic
I really do love this song & video. Lilly Allen's just so amazing: I love her voice. Just please buy this.
By missbibijoelle
this is just like that scene in themovie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" with Jessica at the club/bar. seriously, i wasn't even laughing just saying 'Holy Crap!"
I love this song and video
By Sarah93
I think this video is really cute. It's simple and sweet and I like how they used Lily Allen as an animated character in it. I love the song as well! It's got a great beat and Lily Allen sounds great in it. I love it. :]
Not Quite a Video Guy...
By MegFos
Mark Ronson isn't the world's best video actor, but this one is a cute nod to "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" - and who can resist that?
omg i love it
By mmmjay819
especially the bit at the end. mr. ronson, as far as I know, you could do no wrong.