In My Songs

Gerald Levert

  • Genre: R&B/Soul
  • Release Date: 2007-06-12
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:02

Music Video


  • Life after music

    By Big mor
    I must say that this one of his best song yet. I think he was expression hom self in many ways. What I got out of it was that he sing so many song and so many people enjoy them experince good thing off them. That he wanted to feel the samething too. All I know about G is what he song about. But that's all I needed to know. His music help me to know & understand how to treat a women and what to look for in a women. I hope that he did found that someone and live to his song.
  • The true King of the stage

    By Urban Legend 813
    I knew Gerald personally and worked for him managing the Rude Boys. I can say if not for "G" giving me a chance within his company Trevel Productions I wouldn't have been able to break into the music business. Thanks "G" you were a good person and I learned alot by simply watching you and seeing how to do things correctly. You never got the recognition you deserved while GOD blessed us with your talent but you were the king of the stage.

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