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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • Great awesome song!!!

    By Crazyfrog!
    Great song, itunes we need more europen songs such as from this artist thx
  • Silbermond rocks !!! We demand more Silbermond vid's

    By Luv_Nena
    Stefanie has such an incredible voice and what a babe !!! She is motivating me to learn German, I can understand a word here and there but the music is so wundebar - who cares ! . Silbermond is the best rock group since Nena and they have a lot of talent and variety. I have an acoustic version of Das Beste and I am always amazed at Stefanie's voice.
  • A great band witth a new sound that is VERY much like a Young, slightly different Nena

    By Sgt_Schulz
    Its not quite the sound that NENA had in her youth or has today but is quite similar, although not as good. She should keep improving over time & often appears to be more cheerful and upbeat in her music than NENA was at her age, of course not having to deal with living & performing in a divided Germany during the height of the cold war means that even with the economic collapse, many things about these times are still way better than they they were in the darker days of the cold war late 70's & early 80s and Silbermond's music is a great reflection of these more upbeat and happier times, as is much of Nenas later work. However, unlike NENA who has had more than 20 years to refine & perfect her singing and her look, this band has more simple & raw elements like Joan Jett did in her early days. I had not heard of them till Itunes, & they are DEFINITELY worth checking out ESPECIALLY if you like NENA's music style.
  • More Silbermond Concert Videos! Please?

    By WH Letterman
    Silbermond is a fantastic German rock and roll band. If they had done an English version of Symphonie, they would have sold a million singles. One day I hope I'll be able to see them in concert. Until then, rock on Silbermond!
  • The End of the Circle

    By cholewa
    Silbermond is my favortie German band. This is one of my favorite songs from them!
  • der Anfang vom Kreis...? hopefully :)

    By AEnntchen
    Leider einer der wenigen Songs die man im US iTunes bekommen kann. I love this band and since I'm from a little town right next to where they come from I followed their way for a long time now... it is just amazing what can become of a school band and this song is in my opinion one of their strongest so far... I'll c u guys once im back in Germany - YAY!