Jenny from the Block

Jennifer Lopez

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2003-04-28
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:04

Music Video


  • Jlo is Hot

    By Eric606
    Love all her videos. She has the best in the business
  • Umm.... OK?

    By Frozenglacier
    It's innapropriate. I don't care what you say, and besides it was made when I was one. It's old. I like Becky G's version (and video) better. Go Becky G! I like Becky's version because it's more about what she's going through now or had recently when jlo's is like, "look at me now but don't be fooled". Becky G's family had to sell their house and move into her grandparent's garage. I love Becky G but jlo is ok too
  • Classic JLO

    By nazy
    This video is classic jlo. The song is easy to listen to, but the fun is seeing how the papparazzi can take a simple situation, and make it tabloid headlines. She's great at poking fun of herself . Luv the fashion. As always JLO looks cute!! It would be great if itunes could add "No Me Ames" to her video library. That video was beautiful, sad, and inspiring. I would pay $5.00 to have it in my collection :)

    By #1 Michigan Fan
  • :)

    By Felicity235
    JLo is such a great role model. She protrayed the astounding Selena (my favorite latina singer- "Bidi Bidi Bom Bom" is a MUST BUY!!!!!) and introduced a pop/latina flair to the music world. I love how JLo stays clean and never becomes a dirty, druggy pop star that a lot of good singers in this day and age have become. I hope she makes a huuuuge comeback with her new single "On The Floor".... it's been a while since she's made music. I love this song and I wish more singers would take after Jennifer and become good role models for teens, like me.
  • Get More Jennifer

    By ashleigh7
    I love this music video and song i wish they could gat all her other videos her Love Don't Cost A Thing'' video or ''Holdin You Down ft Fat Joe'' or "Fresh Out The Oven ft Pitbull'' and "i'm real the original" and when her new album comes out all those videos i mean really i luv jennifer till the end plz help me try to get them by like this
  • What happened to the "Love Don't Cost a Thing" video?

    By simba123
    This video beyond cheesy and the song is stupid. Please bring back LDCAT. The song is lame, but the video is much better than this crap.
  • Good

    By Woody717
    This song brings back memories
  • i love j-lo but seriosly?

    By gymnasthreethousand
    i think that this is actullay really stupid and really bad all my life i have been on of her biggest friends but this one for me a downer next time try to do a little bit better but i do love very much the song!!!!!! you are still jenny from the block!! your awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  • i love this song

    By rara<3rara
    i really like this song alot it has great rythym and if ur a dance teacher this could be a good hip hop song

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