Dear Someone from planet duplo
By Kindness is awesome
Uh your wrong. Much blood. Do NOT let your kids watch it. Absolutely don’t. Understand? Great. Ok. Glad we’re on the same page 🙃
By Lase❤️
I love it and funny video.. The song I can’t stop listening to it . The lyrics reminds my exs in the past..This ur year Sabrina C😂❤️😊
By Britneyfan54
I liked her better when she wasn’t another cardboard cutout
I just literally lost my taste
By Keganboi
EH! You call this pop? You have to slay and hit a note to the song this song totally missed the mark! Find a good pop song that is good not this nasty song. Someone from planet duplo NO! KIDS CAN NOT WATCH THIS PARENTS PLEASE PROTECT YOUR KIDS FROM THIS NASTY VIDEO
By Gamyack
Sure there may be blood and kissing and the middle finger, but like but if that concerns you why are you listening to Sabrina in the first place?
By Mermaid35241
Very strange
no they can’t bro
By prtty gurl
kids should not be exposed to such violence and kissing and middle fingers. whether Sabrina and jenna were kissing or not, jenna still kissed the guy which a child should not be exposed too. so im not a homophobe bc a think a kid should not be exposed to the kissing anyway but for teenagers it just depends on the parents being okay w it. which if i was a parent i wouldn’t. but the song is very catchy.
By 🤣🤣🤣😉😉😉😉😉
I don’t know if kids can do this, but this is a very bad song 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Best very kid friendly no blood it’s adorable
By Someone from planet duplo
Kids can watch
Jenna and Sabrina
By BlazinMaraj
Jenna and Sabrina kissing in the video 💗😏