By bhuvgufvztfczrdc
Uggvtzfctr$dcfvihhihhb it is the best ever
I threw
Love them Red Hot Chili Peppers
By dressage1157
This video is amazing! Red Hot Chili Peppers did such a good job with this video! It was the first Red Hot Chili Peppers video I had ever seen so it's my favorite 🎵🎶🌶
ummmm….. what is going on here
By I amaweome
Love the song dislike the vid
Silent movie-caligari
By Betsy Bubblegum
I like the expressionistic look this video has, it reminds me a little of the cabinet of dr.caligari. The jagged twisted buildings, the way one part of the world twists into another world. AMAZING, I always thought this video didn't get enough credit.
I dod not write this, but its so true.
By ****$tar
'otherside' as a single word is common slang for the afterlife. If it meant something else, it would have been spelled as two words. The voice is actually supposed to be slovak's as sung and written by anthony. The rhcp's intended this album to be in tribute of him. Slovak was a former band member who overdosed on heroin. The song describes slovak's personal struggle with drugs, at a point when it has just become a terminal crisis. Slovak realizes heroin now has complete and total control over him and that he is a helpless slave to it. Like other severe addicts to this drug who eventually overdose and die, it's gotten to the point where sub-lethal doses of the drug are no longer satiating his cravings, making a lethal overdose not question of 'if', but 'when': "how long can I slide?" slovak is conveying that the only way to take back control is to end his life. To do this, he must come to terms with suicide. The repeated line, "I don't believe it's bad" is of great significance. It's essentially slovak finally taking back control from the drugs, and resolving in his mind that suicide isn't bad under the circumstances (drug overdose). It's interesting to note that at time index 3:59 anthony switches to saying "I don't believe it's sad." when anthony (singing as slovak) says, "i've got to take it on the otherside," it means that he (slovak) is craving the drug, but that he'll have to take the drug in the afterlife, because he's putting an end to the chaos by killing himself. "burn me out, leave me on the otherside"... This specifies drug overdose as the method of suicide. In effect, in order to both satiate his craving for the drug and to bring an end to the suffering, he's going to take a megadose that will leave him both satisfied and dead. Slovak explains that he's tried to fight the addiction, but it was futile: "I yell and tell it [drugs] that it's not my friend; I tear it down , and then it's born again." this refers to the inevitability of relapses. "once you know, you can never go back": this means that the addiction is never over. Once you've become hooked, you're craving it forever. It's permanent. In a nutshell, the song is about getting people to understand slovak's state of mind and the hell he was going through. The lyrics aren't meant to be cryptic. The song is about getting the listener to empathize and understand the mind of someone who was suffering terribly. It's about getting people to understand the misery and why he took his own life. The song "savior" is also in reference to slovak. Everything about this song is ingenious: the music, the poetic lyrics, the whole production. One of the very best rock songs ever, imho. -ryan, lansing, mi
Freakin Awesome!
By Gibson player
This music video and the song itself is freakin awesome, but when is iTunes going to have the music video for Fortune Faded, that one is better than this one
Best song ever, strange video
By wickastick
I Love This Song! I want it played at my funeral. The video is a little strange, but well worth the two bucks.
By wlthaya
This video is based on German Expressionism films of the early 20th century, particularly The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. The angularity of the buildings and the dreamlike, surreal imagery are all typical of this genre. This is one of my favorites. Not only is it not random but it is a very knowing reference to an important art form. Sorry for sounding full of it but I really do like this one.
This Video Rocks!
By Mitch 17
I LOVE this video! I think the song is sweet, and the graphics are awesome!
Great music, Great Video
By {shiv}
This song is another Red Hot Chili Peppers classic. The video is very artistic and was put together very nicely. A worthy addition to any iTunes library.