Tori's weirdest video. EVER. Ain't it great?
By Because I Say So
This is one of Tori's strangest music videos, which has almost NO plotline. There are many different pictures that pop in and out. Some appear once and never appear again, while others quite frequently pop in, such as her dancing with a snake in her arms and being injected with a needle (botox/steroids?). This is all set to the phenomenal Armand van Helden Star Trunk Funkin' Mix (if you haven't heard it, you MUST either buy the "PW" maxi or get it from "Boys for Pele"). The remix is awesome; however, if they had set the video to the full 8:06 version, it might have more "umph". This is a nice video, though it can get mildly disturbing at times. GO TORI!!!