Lonely (feat. TAEYEON)


  • Genre: K-Pop
  • Release Date: 2017-04-20
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:07

Music Video


  • RIP Shining Star

    By Rachel #5
    This is such a beautiful song and it hurts so much more listening to it now. Jonghyun, i'm sorry i'm not one of the many who got to know you while you were still here. I hope you're in a much better place, you deserve eternal peace and happiness.
  • jonghyun...

    By SeJiTop
    here is a poem I wrote for him I hope that you are in a better place now. Free from the darkness of this mortal world that caused you so much pain, Free from those who did you wrong, Free from your own demons that caused you to do the impossible. I hope you rise Up above the soft white clouds, Blink at sunlight as bright as you are Float higher above the world, come to rest among twinkling stars Come to rest forever in our memories. forever in our hearts. I love what you accomplished in your wonderful time here on earth. I love you. May your precious soul eternally Rest In Peace.