By silencewriter
I haven't heard New Age music as superb as this! Every track on this cd is captivating....can't wait to share it with my friend who has a mediation group and also adores New Age music.
By bob bobblaw
why did David let this woman go ?
By live4ward
Just bought this and listened for the first time. Soothing, yet inspiring. Truly love it. It took me on an amazing journey. I am more than thrilled with the album.
A work of art / For fans of Enigma & Delerium
By Ebay-DJ
Hello all , I will start off that I had ZERO clue to who Diane or David was when I accidently discovered this cd at our ZOO in their gift shop/music area.
I have been a fan of Enigma from THE VERY beginning when there was the debut and the prior CRETU cd.. AND then quickly finding Delerium (as I am a huge Front line assembly fan/... when not doing intense noisy dance floor music - they make music like this!)
Ok.. Back at the ZOO - the board was playing ambient jungle and mood music that didnt really capture what I truly love within the music realm but a button with a beautiful woman on a very artistic water cover cauht my eye and I pressed the button and a sample of the first track came on - I was blown away as it captured the emotion and sensuality of Enigma yet was able to harness the visions and artistic atmospheres and vocals that Delerium is well noted for. I was hooked!
This cd is kind of my own trancendence between the two worlds while melding with the oceanic themes which makes me adore it even more as I am a Pisces.
I later bought The Healing Spirit and I understand the appeal to New Age music but it wasnt something I could listen to and feel the beats or chorals pulse through my system. Every now and then its pulled out but I still struggle with it.
I am a DJ and own over 3000 cd's and ALOT more in digital format - but for this cd I have to admit its within my top 5 I go back to over and over and over again!
I wish she would do something similar again as I love her voice , the chorals & just bringing me back to the aquatic deep again with each listen.
From the first time I heard it to each time I play it regardless of where I am this cd is magic & I am forever grateful that the cover caused me to press a button then spend perhaps the best $17.99 (plus tax) that I have ever spent..
Oh and BTW .. I rarely will ever pay more then $12 max for a cd and this was 110% worth every penny! If you are a fan of Enigma or Delerium I think you WILL LOVE this cd in every way.
Everything on this is great
By willshoe
I first Discovered Diane's music in the middle of the night listening to a New Age Channel on Cable when Treasure Caves was playing. I was like wow who is this, so as soon as Barnes and Nobles opened up (which was the only place where I lived that you could hope to find Music like this in 2001) I went in looking for it and there it was one left. It stayed in my CD player for weeks... Every song is perfect and If you are new to Diane's Music this would be a great one to start with but keep in mind She has alot a various styles of music to choose from and as of this writing I am previewing and getting ready to purchase more of her works. This is my Favorite one so far :)
One good song -- the rest is Muzak
By K_Hoze
Like most of Arkenstone's albums, it has one good song and the rest sounds like variations of the same electronic elevator music. The one good song in this case is "World of Lights," but only because it sounds like songs the far superior Enigma used to produce in their hey dey -- before THEY shifted to elevator music a few years ago. Very disappointing all around.
Able to relax even at work!
By bluehrlygrl
I ran across Diane as an I-tune recommendation since I love Enya. I am so glad I found her! Thanks to another review, I also found David. Wow! I play these at work and everyone says that my office is so relaxing and that they would fall asleep. I find it very comforting and am able to let my very stressful job just fall off my shoulders. This album is great and there isn't a single song that I dislike!
The Underwater World Comes Alive!
By Uberangel1
Diane is now becoming one of my favorite New Age artists along with Enya and Enigma. She is a beautiful woman with a beautiful voice who writes beautiful music. This album makes me think of mermaids, dolphins, and all other beautiful things in the ocean. I love this album, Diane!
A genuine pearl of the deep
By Ro9ue
Having listened to this album since it was released, I am a huge fan of Diane Arkenstone. This is probably my favorite album of hers, a dreamy, midnight journey through the deep. The melodies, backgrounds, and overtones throughout really transport you to another place - images of the ocean floor sprawling endlessly before me, gentle currents tugging at my hair, and lazy shafts of moonlight playing softly across the craggy seascape never fail to float up when I listen to this album. It does disappoint me that others aren't as fond of it as I am: the "creepy" whispering adds to the ethereal nature of the whole thing, for the aquatic world is otherworldly. And I enjoy the lyrics - they provide a nice reprieve from other New Age artists that rely heavily on breathy, wordless vocals (not knocking them - I enjoy those, too, but this is a nice change). They also add to the whole experince.
6 / 5 stars
The Best
By Kaidam
Diane is not a diva but an angel... and sing like that...
Congratulations !!!!