If I Have To - Single - Avery Wilson

If I Have To - Single

Avery Wilson

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2015-05-05
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • β„— 2015 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Title Artist Time
If I Have To Avery Wilson 3:04



    By Tina__colada
    Song gives me shivers. Perfect pitch. You can feel his passion
  • Wow

    By Baybeefays
    I wonder if Berry Gordy got chills if he ever heard this guy sing. He sounds like Jackie Wilson reincarnated! Great voice!
  • Who mixed this?

    By Mojoe898
    Terrible mix. Avery is a phenomenal talent. I absolutely love his voice but this song is not pleasant to listen to. Feels like I'm being yelled at and the auto tune on this track is no good. His newer track Change Your Mind is a good example of how to use auto tune with this guy's voice.
  • Soul-moving

    By LL2009
    Love it and want the rest of his album to sound like this.
  • #1 Supporter πŸ‘‘πŸ˜

    By Queenkcokco
    Love this song I think it was very well put together. Auto tuned or not! so what my baby still sounds angelic. This song has so much passion to it and His voice speaks volumes. I love you Avery 😍😍
  • Why, Auto Tune, WHY

    By spodraza815
    I heard this song a few times on the radio. I wasn’t very closely, apparently, because I had realized how disgustingly full of autotune it is. Why would do that to someone who won THE VOICE? How does that make any sense?

    By BringSteveBackToLife
    You guys should watch his vines and you can see that it's not autotune
  • πŸ’―πŸ™ŒπŸ½

    By Squint_Terror42
    Song amazing. Avery Wilson is the future generation. He is going to blow everyone away. No auto tune. Real voice.
  • Auto tune

    By Shantii_hollister
    You have the best voice that I have ever heard in a good while but the one thing that's killing me about this song is the auto tune. That is to me unacceptable.
  • Blessed

    By Cateyes_2016
    Your voice is a blessing I am a fan and I love people who appreciate the art of music and are vocally skilled not everyone will be a fan but the majority of this world is yours stay humble

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