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Title Artist Time


  • Glorious...but

    By singinpj
    The music is absolutely glorious, but I can only catch a few of the lyrics. Very sad.
  • Majestic

    By Yaro_07
    Professional, beautiful, glorious
  • Beautiful!

    By Nicole Mullett
    Soli Deo Gloria for this album!
  • Supreme Excellence

    By affectionatbreeze
    makes my heart burst with joy and thankfulness to the ONE TRUE GOD
  • Exceptional

    By rsegrell
    What a blessing
  • Great music

    By Lynray58
    Lovely and inspiring. Good for individual or corporate worship. Can't understand but just a few of the words, however. Very sad about that. It would be five stars if I could hear the words. It says a booklet comes with it. Not sure how on my I pad. It says purchased, but it's not in I books. I have no idea what that means.
  • New Hymns For Use In The Church

    By MJTrigger
    What a joy to see new hymns written for a new generation with the same message... Sacred Music for the Church giving Glory to the Holy One! Can not recommend high enough.
  • Enduring

    By Marc Lewis
    Enjoyed listening to each hymn and conversation. Never doubted the lyrics would be rich, was pleasantly surprised by the composition. Excellent!
  • Music for the Ages

    By Waulk This Way
    Why is this album "for the ages"? Not merely because the composition and voices are amazing, but because the lyrics are Gospel-saturated, a mark of all classic, sacred hymns. I was privileged to be at the release during #LigCon 2015, and I'm blessed to own it now. Thank you, Father, and thank you, Dr. Sproul, and Mr. Lippencott, for this music.
  • Glorious music, rich tradition, God exalting!

    By MacTimothy
    Beautiful! The church is in need of more projects like these. Theologically informed, musically rich, and in the tradition of great hymn-writing throughout Christianity’s history; Dr. R.C. Sproul and composer Jeff Lippencott have given a gift to the people of God with their music. Stand-out tracks for me would be “Highland Hymn” with its celtic flare, “Worthy Is the Lamb,” and “Clothed in Righteousness."