Love Death Immortality (Remixes) - The Glitch Mob

Love Death Immortality (Remixes)

The Glitch Mob

  • Genre: Electronic
  • Release Date: 2015-02-24
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 19

  • ℗ 2015 Glass Air


Title Artist Time
Beauty of the Unhidden Heart ( The Glitch Mob 5:34
Fly by Night Only (Yaarrohs Co The Glitch Mob 2:28
Can't Kill Us (Joe Trapanese R The Glitch Mob 6:32
Our Demons (feat. Aja Volkman) The Glitch Mob 3:45
Skullclub (Eprom Remix) The Glitch Mob 3:51
Mind of a Beast (Si Begg Remix The Glitch Mob 7:40
I Need My Memory Back (feat. A The Glitch Mob 4:01
Skytoucher (Starkey Remix) The Glitch Mob 5:45
Becoming Harmonious (feat. Met The Glitch Mob 5:57
I Need My Memory Back (feat. A The Glitch Mob 5:01
Beauty of the Unhidden Heart ( The Glitch Mob 4:23
Fly by Night Only (feat. Yaarr The Glitch Mob 5:11
Can't Kill Us (Plaid Remix) The Glitch Mob 5:15
Our Demons (Pair of Arrows Rem The Glitch Mob 4:03
Beauty of the Unhidden Heart ( The Glitch Mob 6:38
Carry the Sun (Mord Fustang Re The Glitch Mob 6:08
Skullclub (Emalkay Remix) The Glitch Mob 4:25
Our Demons (feat. Aja Volkman) The Glitch Mob 5:30


  • no resemblance

    By Dirty Baxter1975
    I like Glitch Mob... but when you remix something that already sounds like a fine remix... you get nothing but noise, that is too detached from the original masterpiece.
  • 1 out of all was good

    By Arianna Parsons
    The best one i believe there is the Our Demons (Pair of Arrows remix)... I really love the style to it and I believe there needs to be more of those types of style of music. So dark and tribal like theme....
  • The Glinch Mob AWESOME!!

    By Tachitta
    You guys are fn good! Seriously the newer stuff is pretty frickn tight! I love changing stuff up!! Keep it up! Rock on I can't wait until I have $ to start making CDs cuz I CANT STOP MOVING! I'm a all variety girl!!
  • Don't really understand all the hate for this album??

    By ThePizzaMan#2
    Of course this isn't going to be as good as The Glitch Mob. Remixes are rarely if ever as good as the original. You can't expect this album to be the style of The Gltich Mob, but these are all quality remixes. I thought each artist did an excellent job making each track their own. Sure, some of the songs are slower and more introverted; but is that bad? No. I enjoy a little serenity every now and then. Kudos The Glitch Mob for releasing this album and kudos to all the artists as well. I'd buy the whole album, but tracks the really caught my ear were the "Can't Kill Us (Joe Trapenese Remix)" and the "Mind of a Beast (si begg Remix)"
  • not sure how i just found this… very cool.

    By PotoFam
    i very much like some of these remixes, unique to each other. wonder how i just found this :/ 4/5
  • Excellent album with a such eclectic taste!

    By TitusMomof3
    With the release of Love Death Immortality last year, the artistry was clinically impossible to enhance for the devoted and immovable followers of The Mob. That was entirely true until the release of LDI Remixes broadened that horizon by beautifying and uncovering a whole new dimension of sound through additional talent. The Glitch Mob has taken a masterpiece and shelved it on a higher plateau that is exquisitely monumental. They’ve constructed the possible out of the impossible. They’ve perfected something that was already perfect. Mind blown.
  • Help

    By OhhRyann
    I preordered this album. It was set to release on Feb 24, 2015. It is now March 1, 2015 and i still have not recieved this album. I got the email that said i had received it, but the album is no where to be found in my itunes, and when I go to the store, it says i have purchased it, but i'm not seeing anywhere that I can download it. Can someone tell me what is going on?
  • Preorder didn't work

    By SHARKIN77
    I preordered the album but I logged into iTunes and saw that the preorder didn't go through. Now I don't have the funds to complete the album.
  • Different style, not bad

    By furry pearl
    I thought the original Love Death Immortality was far and away the best EDM album of 2014, so I had my reservations coming into this batch of remixes. The “Can’t Kill Us” remixes simply don’t compare to the original, but two of the “Our Demons” remixes are a nice change of pace from the original, which was brilliant. Also, Emalkay kills his remix, so be sure to give that a listen. Overall, I can’t help but feel slightly disappointed with the 15-song collection, but we still have the original masterpiece to listen to.
  • Disappointed.

    By -VC-
    These remixes are very slow and repetitive. The originals are far superior to the songs on offer here. Many of these tracks sound like they were arranged by amateurs. I immediately regretted this purchase. If you do not already own the original album, buy that instead.

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