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Title Artist Time


  • The same songs but signifigantly better

    By Beghty
    Clean Tears have been making great Vocaloid tracks with various electronic music sounds. I myself have not heard many of their songs, but I recognize tracks such as Solesta and Mizukagami Garden and they sound better than ever. The version of Miku used has been updated to deliver cleaner, bolder vocals and the general insturmentals have been given an overhall to sound more proffesional. If you are a fan of electronic vocaloid music then I highly recommend. Clean Tears have done an excellent job and I hope they keep up the good work.
  • Sweet

    By Lunars edge
    Most of the songs on this are the first I've ever listened to that got me into vocaloid/trance and they sound even better on this album can't wait😄