
  • Genre:
  • Release Date:
  • Explicitness:
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Title Artist Time


  • Wrong Meta

    By rossimage
    Apple please fix the meta data on this album!! Although humorous, it's a huge buzzkill to have this Nashville style K.D. Lang music injected into my London Grime Kahn/Flowdan radio station. The artist should complain, because the are not reaching the audience that will purchase this music. iTunes Match is the most thoughtless and destructive service ever created. Fix my library Apple!!!
  • Not THAT Kahn

    By pinky royale
    If you're looking for the Kahn that drops beats, this isn't that Kahn. It amazes me that with the internet, and the amount of words, names, and letter combinations (not to mention gibberish. I'm looking at you, !!!), that people are still releasing music under a name that someone has already used, or is currently using.