They sounded like a record when live, Brain May -Queen
By Frankarney
If you are of the Same generation of the big rock groups of the 70's - 80's, this is a must!!!
Awesome solo
By Magic rAT 78
Check out that jam and solo at the end of Miracles out of nowhere-- still gives me chills. One of the most underrated bands in history
By Rimster
I have missed the music of Kansas! This is a wonderful album; I really enjoy the commentary. I have watched the Miracles Out of Nowhere Video over and over, and now to have the audio is fantastic. Thank you!!!!
Great Tribute to a Great Band
By rschaetzel
Kansas is my favorite band to this day. Musically very few bands ever came close, and I feel that they never received the praise that they deserve. I already had all of these songs from the orginal albums. I bought this one because I want to show that I have nevered tired of hearing their music.