John Frusciante’s favorite album!!!
By stan_1978
Killer bridge gap between Blood Sugar Sex Magik and Californication.
Ridiculously underrated
By johnnynycborntowin
So many classic joints here. Aero plane is a stone cold classic. I really liked what Dave Navarro brought to the red hot chilly peppers. He really injected rock n roll energy into the group. I love this record. John obviously is the guitar player for this band. But Dave Navarro is a gifted guitar player as well. This record is better than the records they have put out since Frusciante left for the second time.
Really underrated
By Wmdudley
As much bad happened in the band from this album, it is still a good album. Yeah it’s one of their weaker albums but it has its charm, and definitely something new from them too.
By RomieDaHomje
Worst album by rhcp
2nd best RHCP Album
By lvfreerdi3
This album is behind only BSSM in the RHCPs' catalogue. Love this album. Sometimes I prefer it over BSSM. This album never gets old and prefer the more psychedelic sound with the funk turned down just a notch.
By jpizze
This is one of the best chili peppers albums
One Hot Minute of the 90's
By $€£¥
This used to be my least favorite Red Hot Chili Peppers albums. But after listening to tracks such as Bob, One Hot Minute, and Transcending, I began to develop the love I have for this album. The departure from the sounds of Blood
Sugar Sex Magik is refreshing almost, and serves as the division between RHCP's Debut to BSSM and Californication to the present. If you haven't listened to the entire album, I suggest you give it a try, especially in the coming summer