This is Paramore's best album to date!
By Lapel101
This is Paramore's best album to date! Instrumentally, I love the variety, especially the gospel and classic rock! The lyrics are so beautiful. As usual, Hayley did a pheonominal job with song writing and singing! Taylor and Jeremy are brilliant musicians as well!
By Barbackjack
Own all of their albums, and they keep getting better and better!! I bet Josh and Zac regret their bad decision!! Whoop whoop!!
We are Paramore !!
By Killajozz
This band can never disappoint me, sorry guys this cd is everything :) change is good sometimes π
By ParamoreRox99
They are perfection. I'm in love with this album.
By #1CoffeeGuy
What is taking Atlantic so long to hire people to write and record a new Paramore album??? We want more than this blatant money grab!
By AscendExaltMusicResearch
They got my money till i die
I gotta buy all the albums still too
(Besides the latest)
Been a fan since pressure aired on fuse
Devoted -wore their shirt while homeless every day
By Inspiredbyawarrior
I love the lyrics and how you can hear the drums
Two Words: Escape Route
By HipSkool
I was so stoked to hear that Paramore had released even MORE songs for this album, so I purchased the new ones and it was without disappointment.
My favorite track immediately became Escape Route. I really think they should've included this on the original album, because it truly sums up their journey as artists and as people, however I also enjoyed it being a nice, new surprise. It has that classic Paramore feel with lyrics that punch you right in the heart and make you wanna high-tail it to California with 'em. I personally think it would've been a cool way to end the album after the "Future" track. Just end it with a declarative statement of "This is who we are and this is where we're going!"
I don't know if they didn't include the bonus tracks in their original record because it would've made it too long or what, but they should've because all of them are A+ tracks. Even the "demo" track is great. I highly recommend these new tracks, or if you're new to Paramore, the whole album!
huge Paramore
By Isaac is lame af
Love this especially tell me it okay and the live tracks πππ
Yaaaas Amazing!πππ
By Paramoreloverπ
I love this album!!