How is this country
By Airborne506
How is this country its not really any where near it
Refreshingly amazing
By Hi . .
I was surprised how much I loved this album. I'm not that into country but she is now one of my favorite singers. I recommend you give this album a chance.
Great Start Ruthie!
By Shark1916
Great music! Ruthie, you are an amazing talent and your songs are heartfelt. I am so proud of you and look forward to many more amazing songs! Tell the other half I said hello!
very promising
By profcrispy
traditionalist and yet poppy. she is a very fine country singer: not a carrie underwood hurricane but a breaking-with-emotion and very lovely soprano. excellent commercial prospects, i think.
Love her
By Jade Kelly
Excited to see her career launch.
Ramblin man
By Liz 419
Was so proud to see a local artist on the highway Sirius! Immediately knew I was going to buy the album on iTunes the second I could! Proud to say I finally did and I love it! Go girl!
Love her!
By SassyRicn
I'm not one to buy albums, just individual songs..but as soon as I heard Ramblin Man I just had to look her up. She's a fresh young artist in her way and I hope she makes it to the top. Country music is not what it was 50 years ago, truthfully like all music now a days it has shifted and has become so commercialized that some of the soul has been sucked out.. That's why when I hear a song that has a story, a meaning in it I will play it out... Good album!
Refreshing Sound
By Pickin and a Grinnin
Ruthie Collins has put together a set of songs that hang together sonically so well yet also display enough variability to appeal to a wide range of tastes - from the up tempo, get-up-and-dance Ramblin’ Man to the sweet and soulful Vintage. This EP is a great work of art from a gifted writer, singer and instrumentalist. Cannot wait to see what comes next!
Such a talent!
By cajunman2511
Great music and can't wait for more! Great job RC
Her Voice, wow!!
By Jesslb537
I love this EP! She has an amazing voice! I love "Get Drunk and Cry"