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Title Artist Time


  • One small misgiving

    By fable_factory
    I have a good number but not all of Loscil's albums, First Narrows, Plume, Strathcona Variations, Endless Falls, Sketches from New Brighton, & now, Sea Island. I am right there with the many reviewers who extoll praises on this excellent body of multi-dimensional, profoundly affecting work. I keep my Loscil albums together in a playlist for those times when I want an extended Loscil listening experience, straight through or shuffled. I was excited to use an iTunes gift card to purchase a new Loscil album, Sea Island. I am thrilled with it. It fits very nicely in my playlist with just one exception. For me, the best pieces (songs, if you must) in this genre create audio spaces that can be explored anew with each listen. In the Sea Island album, I find one track that I cannot listen to in that manner, "Bleeding Ink". The voice singing on this track completely occupies the foreground of the audio space &, for me, prevents the multi-faceted, in-depth listening I find possible on all the other tracks. I simply do not include "Bleeding Ink" in my Loscil playlist, nor do I include "The Making of Grief Point" from the Endless Falls album.
  • One of his best

    By malooo
    I've got everything from Triple Point onward - and this is one of his most complex, subtle and masterful so far; while there are lots of great ambient/beat/drone artists out there - Loscil remains a step above.
  • Tops

    By eugenefields
    Loscil is at the top of their form. I have been waiting as well. So glad they are here. I love ambient spaces. This is what they always create. I crave what they do.. nunff’ said
  • Welcome to Sea Island...please enjoy your stay.

    By FourhundredthirtysevenHz
    I have been counting down the days for this new release by Loscil and finally that day has come and it leads up to it's expectations in full. It's as if Alan Watts Cliff Martinez and the Myst/Riven games had a love child. I first came across the album Endless Falls and fell in love, it's as if the album was channeled to me...weird I know but if you're on the same wave length you will know exactly what I mean. Each album holds it's own and are so deep and full of mystery that they carry out these amazing stories without the need of any lyrics. I can explain all day but it will do no justice...trust me when I say Sea Island is another amazing feat and I'm sure this album will be on loop for a long time just like all the previous ones were. Buy this and spread the word to all your friends and enemies because there is an appreciation that must not go unnoticed. Thank you Loscil for these mood changing escapes!