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Title Artist Time


  • Great album

    By ryagar
    Great album I wish iTunes would just get all the rest of the pillows albums already so I can have all there albums never the less great album not the best but still good, tracks like clean state revolution and about a rock and roll band really keep this album going.
  • I love this album, but....

    By Scarecrowswdsmn
    Freaking iTunes, why would you not have the track, 都会のアリス on there? I guess with a partial album they make more money off of it by making you buy the individual songs? Absurd!!! It's one of the best songs on the album!!! I love this album, 4 stars only because the iTunes store is doing this nonsense.
  • Still catchy after all these years?

    By GlassMan-RV
    the pillows are one of those rare bands where I look forward to each and every new thing they do, and Moondust is no exception. I had to listen to the album once or twice to really get into a few of the songs, and while I don't think it's as immediately great as a lot of their older albums, it's still worth a listen to, regardless. Not every song stands out, but the ones that do stand out are fantastic. By the way, this iTunes version seems to be a partial album. It's missing the third track "Alice In The City" for reasons I have no understanding of. Hopefully that track will be available eventually, assuming that Apple even cares.
  • Its The PILLOWS

    By zillia76
    thats all that need to be said. im so glad itunes brought them back, and has also expanded there selection of japanese bands. you dont ever regret buying a PILLOWS album.
  • Great new album

    By Littlebuster101
    They are doing a real great job. I really like there new album. I hope they come to the U.S. Soon