Love it billy
By jobaby3399
Bitter pill is my favorite
Vital Idol !!
By JDO914
Song for song, all the way through, for me this is Billy Idol’s most solid and imaginative release… I highly recommend it!
Kings and Queens
By Will Alsace
Time stands still with this dude!!! Amazing album! Who rocks it like him? Nope! Incredible!
By Trust and Us
Love 🖤
By Malibuhopper
Such an amazing album, so many fantastic songs- Love me some Billy Idol!
By Pennyfarman
It is astonishing, fantastically, and beautifully well done! Thanks Billy Idol for making music great again! Postcards from the Past is awesome!
His best album
By kevinm1302ny
I only wish I knew about this album when it came out. He sounds better now than he did in 1984!
King of the Underground
By Working Stiff
This album delivers! This is a crisp body of work, that is current. Billy once again gives us a glympse into his life; Pouring his soul into his lyrics. King and Queens of the underground song gives the listener a insight of the sacrifices an entertainer endures over a course of their career. The work that went into this album is very appreciated. Thanks for the new playlist!
By OAN1962
Was listening to early Idol from my collection and decided to check this one out. Half of the songs sound like material intended for Bananarama, but they weren't available. Steve Stevens, please release solo material. You can still get a check from Idol down the road.
Thank you Billy for saving rock in a small way!!
By jnelli27
Rock music is in the dumps right now. I admit that 80s and 90s rock music is my favorite. Rock music of the 2000s has been pretty terrible overall. This album seems to take me back to a time when I enjoyed new music. This album has a lot of good songs on it.