By LayerCakeBabe
Blacktop is a great song!! - Solid Tracy - Absolutely Awesome. Definitely on my TracyFaves list. The only reason I would suggest not buying this song is because you should BUY THE WHOLE ALBUM!! - It is an Unbelievably great album. Can’t wait for Tracy to tour closer to the West Coast to hear it live.
Let's hear Tracy lawrence on the Radio!
By Cande83821
A lot of people here are saying the same thing I'm thinking. Why doesn't radio play the good new stuff whether it's from from a new artist or one of the superstars from the past! If it sounds good, Play it!
Keep putting out this great sounding music Tracy!! I love it. I just miss hearing you on the radio.
Released 2013 August
By Country Guy4587
He released this on his Headlight, Tailights, and Radios album August 2013. Why release it as a single? smh.
Love this!
By pagie13
I've been a fan for as long as I can remember. I'm happy to hear a new song out. I'm just wondering why this isn't on the radio? It would certainly beat out some of that stuff we call 'country' today.
Country Radio = give ?Tracy a break - play this hit song !!
By Puggle10
This is great song - strong vocals, big hook, and new country production -- why isn't country radio playing this song? Everyone complains about country going pop - well, Tracy keeps his country roots/delivery, yet updates his sound for the kids today -- give him a second chance industry - so much better than the likes of Tim, Kenny, Lee, etc....
Still got it
By krys gilbert
His music hasn't changed much but still never really sounds just like that last! Keep up the good work. Keeping it country!