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  • Uh, huh.

    By thepigsthefuzzthecopstheheat
    Love that the group is continuing to explore new territory. Masters of downtempo, Zero 7 shows here they can create a set of four-on-the-floor tracks as good as anyone out there.
  • Different

    By ramirezeric
    With an unbiased view of Zero 7's previous work, this are some great beats. Yes it's different, but I can appreciate the way they're reaching out to new genres, something a lot of groups don't do. This EP is a cool step in the their journey.
  • More Simple things less electronica

    By m9ine
    This is a huge departure from the days of Simple things, might not be for everyone but doesn’t feel like the band I have fond memories of.
  • Great Jams

    By Mizener
    Four superb tracks from Zero 7, but what else did I expect?
  • Bring back the Simple Things Era

    By Fetts
    I agree with everyone else…this isn’t the Zero 7 that I fell in love with…what happened to your soul guys? Please find it again. I have such great memories tied to your earlier stuff.
  • On Auto-Pilot

    By Fauxist
    With all the talent these guys have,..this is an excursion done on auto-pilot. The music’s not bad for lightweight dance hall fare but you wouldn’t necessarily think that it was Zero 7 that wrote this stuff. Would be great of they dug a little deeper,...
  • Wow...

    By JJstar
    I thought that perhaps the general failure of "Yeah Ghost" would have been a wake-up call to the band that that particular musical formula wasn't quite working. (Everyone's entitled to overreach a little now and then.) But we've gone from bad to way worse. Sometimes artists feel compelled to change their sound just for the sake of change. Sometimes certain band members and personal or outside influences affect these musical decisions. But after listing to this EP, these guys have clearly lost their way. There's nothing unique about the dance pop tracks on this EP, and each is receptive and indistinguishable. It sounds very much like any other generic house group pumping out the same repetitive and boring beats. I love Zero 7's first few albums, sure. But I'm not expecting them to replicate that same exact sound. I would expect them to actually stay a little truer to their roots and put out really good music that I'd want to purchase, and listen to over and over again. This change of direction is really too bad considering their insane amount of talent. What a waste.
  • awful

    By FootHillPhoenix
    Sounds like Kaskade( I like Kaskade) but this is so bland and like every other dance/house song out there.Its been painful to watch this group fall apart over the past few years.
  • A maturing band

    By PAW333
    This is an excellent EP from Zero 7. If you’re looking for songs like “Destiny” and “Warm Sound” — undoubtedly two of their best songs — this album and their new work isn’t for you. But if you like how they’ve been maturing you will love this work. I thought that 2009’s (yes, it’s been 5 years since we’ve heard new work from this band!!) “Yeah Ghost” was more-or-less brilliant. It showed the growth of a mature but fun-loving band. This EP is even better, and these guys show that they are maestros of electronica.
  • Sooooooo disappointed

    By ManfromLA
    All of the songs sound the same. I'm desperate for new Zero 7 songs, just not that desperate.