Spirited Away (Original Soundtrack) - Joe Hisaishi

Spirited Away (Original Soundtrack)

Joe Hisaishi

  • Genre: Original Score
  • Release Date: 2001-07-18
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 21

  • ℗ 2001 Studio Ghibli


Title Artist Time
One Summer's Day Joe Hisaishi 3:09
A Road to Somewhere Joe Hisaishi 2:07
The Empty Restaurant Joe Hisaishi 3:15
Nighttime Coming Joe Hisaishi 2:00
The Dragon Boy Joe Hisaishi 2:12
Sootballs Joe Hisaishi 2:33
Procession of Gods Joe Hisaishi 3:00
Yubaba Joe Hisaishi 3:30
Bathhouse Morning Joe Hisaishi 2:02
Day of the River Joe Hisaishi 3:13
It's Hard Work Joe Hisaishi 2:26
The Stink God Joe Hisaishi 4:01
Sen's Courage Joe Hisaishi 2:45
The Bottomless Pit Joe Hisaishi 1:18
Kaonashi (No Face) Joe Hisaishi 3:47
The Sixth Station Joe Hisaishi 3:38
Yubaba's Panic Joe Hisaishi 1:38
The House at Swamp Bottom Joe Hisaishi 1:29
Reprise Joe Hisaishi 4:53
The Return Joe Hisaishi 3:20
Always With Me Yumi Kimura 3:35


  • what a beautiful movie😢❤️

    By •XiixariorARMYBTSiiX•~
    i really love this movie! and like many others this a big part of my childhood. also, after reading some reviews i thought i should help the person named tohka is cute, if you still look through reviews at least. i believe the song reprise is played in the main menu screen(if you have bought the movie in dvd) and when chihiro tells haku about his true self. day of the river i’ll have to watch the movie again and look for it. but from the sounds of it it should be around where you might of heard some others. you may have noticed the songs are played in numerical order and also in the same order they were played in the movie. always with me coming last(being the last song) and one summers day being first(being the first song). hope this helped!
  • Love!!!!!!!

    By Itsbbylisa
    I love this movie so much and all it’s soundtracks!!!! Will always love it.
  • Really great music!

    By Tohka Is Cute
    I like the movie and the music equally! My personal favorite songs from this album are One Summer’s Day, Day Of The River, Always With You, and Reprise! Funny thing, One Summer’s Day is a very beautiful song, but it doesn’t want to make me cry as much as the other ones, (yes yes I ugly cried very hard during the movie) like Day Of the River, it wants to make me cry, but I can’t place my finger on where it was in the movie, most likely a part I thought was sad though, Always With You makes me want to cry because it’s at the very end of the movie, playing while showing the credits, and I cry at this because it’s a beautiful song and it’s playing while showing all sorts of places in the story. Now Reprise, it makes me want to cry most of all, even though it’s a very beautiful song, (ok you can tell from reading this far, if you’re still here, that I like sad but beautiful songs) but I feel like it was playing at a sad part in the movie, can’t place my finger on it though. 10/10 definitely recommend to people. I’m gonna try to get my friends to watch the movie and listen to the music. Before that though, I’m gonna try to figure out how to play One Summer’s Day, Day Of the River, Always With Me, and Reprise on the Windsong Lyre in genshin. I already made my serenitea pot look like the bathhouse, restaurant place, and the tunnel! See ya later!
  • My childhood 😭

    By Barbarossa915
    Such beautiful masterpieces.. will always hold a place in my heart.
  • Anime, I love Anime

    By the_unavoidable_
    The only good thing in my depressing life... the movie and music when I was a child....
  • Another person stolen from

    By Bethedee
    They took this off itunes and replaced the album art and now they expect us all to re-buy it. Somebody has to stop this.
  • Amazing movie 🍿

    By Tuuvok666
    Love the Primary song

    By Mystic-Starii
    The music is amazing! My personal favorites are Summers day, Reprise, The Return. And I love them all! Note: For people who want to watch spirited away, it’s on YouTube. The Japanese version costs more and the English costs less! But the Japanese version (the original) is worth it!
  • Music equals the movie.

    By 3crowns21
    Every second is the very best. It tells a story. I saw the movie 4x at the threatre (I worked there and got in free).
  • I hate this it won't play

    By Jade Cudney
    I only downloaded one song called one summer's day and it wont play no matter how hard i try please fix it!

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