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Title Artist Time


  • Aint a Kiss vs Ace thing

    By DeeDiass
    Listen..good song. typical ace song. Typical writing, typical riffs..little too compressed,but blame the engineer on that. This aint about them vs him. Album sounds typical and only getting momentum because of all the bad blood. Go to Amazon and listen to the snippets..make you NOT want to buy the album..
  • Ack!!!!

    By Pongo W.
    Space Ace at his finest!!!!!!!!! Best new song I have heard this year!!!!!!!!
  • Ace Sounds Great!

    By Glamnation
    Classic Ace! His vocals are sounding better than ever!
  • Fu kiss fans ace just blew away gene and Paul

    By Colinhay1
    Wowwwww big time

    By MikeDoc1024727
    Sounds like a great song. Too bad the mastering engineer decided to destroy the sonics with massive over-compression and brickwalling. Will not buy for that reason. When will record companies realize that people don't buy songs because of how loud they are? I have a volume knob and typically listen with "sound check" setting turned on on my iphone. And you know what, when I do that the songs with more dynamics are the same volume and sound better. KISS' Monster release has the same volume and compression issues. Sad that great mixes and songs have to be mastered in a way that's so un-pleasing and tiring to the ear. Ugh.
  • Still needs Paul and gene

    By thehairdude
    Don't waste your money
  • It's OK

    By Musical Truth 101
    The music is good but the lyrics are just ok. I am not gonna compare this to any KISS album because it isn't KISS. You people need to let it go. ACE LEFT THE BAND by his own choosing. If someone left my band, I would not fold up shop I would keep going if I had the desire, but since people like to make issue about Tommy and Eric wearing the orginal makeup, PEOPLE IT IS ONLY A ROCK BAND. IT IS ONLY MUSIC! I don't care who is in the make up, I love seeing the original make PERIOD!. If KISS goes on without Paul and Gene and two new musicians wear their music.....great. I don't want to see 20 different characters on stage. All I want to see is the make of Star Child, The Demon, The Cat and the Spaceman. Don't care who is behind it. Back to the single, again, I love the music, IT ROCKS, the lyrics are just ok. I will wait to hear the rest of the CD before I say yeah or nay. All I can say is Peter....this is how you make a solo cd. I give Ace that, he just stuck with Rock and actually has good people behind him where Peter has his wife blowing smoke up his rear telling him he is the best. Peter's solo albums stink, Ace's for the most part rock. Just quit doing Fractured Mirror spin offs. Don't need Fractured Mirror 122.
  • Ace Rocks

    By Guitarded1970
    Great rocking tune from Ace for the summer. I enjoyed this more than anything from the past few KISS albums. Don't over-think it, just crank it up loud and step on the gas. Feels good.

    By Ethan's dad76
    All I can say is I want more! Ace has rocked the only way he can "Out of this World!"
  • Objectivealienobserver

    By Quocomo
    Looking for a Summer song that conjures up images of space alien bikinis? Ace is your guy. This song is me sitting next to Torpedo Girl drinking Cold Gin talking about being Lost in Limbo headed toward the Void but we're both in need of love. Fun. Loose. Ace. Cherry burst Gison = Euphoria!