
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Nice Suprise

    By shadeslip
    I am already a Truth fan and consider him a pioneer in the Dub scene (just saying my point of view up front). This album is very unique compared to his other stuff. He still manages to put those subtle sounds in every track that really give them character and distinctness, while sticking with the usual dub pattern. This may be unfamiliar for listeners of Datsik, but give it a few more tries in your car and you will come around. For those who know Truth already, this album is a very welcome breath of fresh air (not that Truth was getting stale in the least, but its cool to see an artist stretching out in multiple directions, successfully I might add). Truth is an artist who is certainly allowed to go back and redefine the oldschool sound and you may notice some familiar themes. If your not sure about buying the album, try out the track "goodbye", love it. Also "nervous" is pretty smooth. But really they are all sick in different ways. Enjoy.
  • Deep Dubstep

    By Gidgit_
    Cool to see firepower releasing some deep dubstep
  • Great

    By globalstomper
    Sounds more how dubstep started, rather than being filled with brostep tracks that are far too common now a days.
  • Crisp

    By dubby tubbs
    Nice to hear some original work going on. Stoked
  • Do not recommend 👎👎

    By My Name Here?
    This whole album isn't very good at all. It lacks originality, I feel like it's all been done before. Dubstep has changed a lot, and there is some Deep House in there along with some Drum and Bass which wasn't to bad. But I'm not feeling it, Datsik recommended this on his FB page so I thought it would be great, but sorry to say it's not close to great.
  • Meh

    By Sal Pacino 95
  • Hmmm..

    By 140man
    This is pretty neat just an odd sound to hear firepower release. Still great grooves tho
  • Seera

    By Karan Seera
    This is epic..! Fantastic album..!
  • Jesse DallasTx

    By JesseGarlandTx
    Idk about this one Firepower. 😁