Best rendition yet!
By HisWord
Simply heavenly heartfelt worship!
It's the best rendition of this classic Igbo worship song yet. Keep it up and please keep it in the original language of the songs - whatever the language
Great song, well sang
By Sobo4here
This was so well sang, great job
My new worship song
By Salthomas
Can't stop looping this song. And I don't even understand Ibo language. This is soul deep.
A deeply moving song
By RD Lover
This is an amazingly deep worship song that makes you feel the presence of God as you praise and worship. The goosebumps you get when you listen to this song are real!
This is my first song by the artist but I'm definitely looking out for other songs.
Excellent song!
A deeper level of worship
By Nike S.
I loved this song without knowing what the words meant, then I found the video on YouTube. Thank you Gabriel, this is the first song of yours I ever heard and it is awesome.
By Meche, Chicago
Am not a religious person per se but this music sent chill down my spine, with goosebumps all over me, reminding me of good old days growing up in 9ija.
Bless ur heart and thanks for good music !!!
By Kayann2012
What an awesome worship song!
Can't stop playing
By Ronke Ajayi
God bless u for this song
My new best song
By Chiommmy
Simply amazing! So heavenly!!