Found Cop Killer
By Januseamon
Look for Splare here in iTunes. They are Body Count in disguise. You’re welcome.
Killing cops is wrong very inhuman
By The Scarlet Aracnid
Cop killer should not have been aloud on ITunes. I have a couple friends who are police officers and they have kids and a wife. They respect everyone they deal with. I can’t believe Ice T would wrote a song like that.
Where is Cop Killer???
By Biker Rick
Why did Ice-T have Cop Killer removed from this album? Why did the record company not have BC’s back with freedom of speech? It’s not ok for a full blown censor of a song some don’t like. There’s an awful lot of songs and bands on iTunes that I don’t agree with. Song by bands that are openly anti semetic, anti female, skin heads, racists, and they’re in many genres! It’s in hardcore it’s in alternative it’s in country. But one song about killing a cop gets yanked. It’s not ok. I want the actual FULL. ALBUM!!!
Thumbs up
By Unkle Ace
Great memories in this album. This was crazy controversial back when it came out. Still a great album
By MrTerryJenkins88
I would buy this if it Cop Killer was on it.
By Trust and Us
Don't blame I-Tunes!
By MiRaleigh
Apple is not censuring the arts....after the "Cop Killer" furour...Ice-T himself pulled the track from the album.....he still believed in the song - but he was tired of dealing with the BS. His call. I have the original CD with the track - it is not available otherwise (despite some other reviews saying it's here, but "renamed"'s not.). If you've got a beef with that decision - talk to Ice-T, not Apple Music.
dont agree with censorship
By dempsey johnson
shame on itunes for censoring this album.......not much else to say,shame
Unfinished album
By Twitch1391
How are you not going to have the complete album?
Altered from the original
By LundyBendsLight
This album has been "sanitized" from the original release. Tracks 17 (Out in the Parking Lot) and 18 (Cop Killer) have been altered with "Freedom of Speech". FoS runs the same length of time as 17/18 combined.
This is a clear attack on the arts, the artists and freedom of speech.
Complailn to iTunes and tell them if they want to seel art in the form of music, then protect the artists! Stand UP!