By 6ht7hgr
Besides not having any tracks off the critically acclaimed Criminal Minded, like 9mm, The Bridge is Over, or Poetry (which were all pretty essential to me), It is stacked with some of the best tracks KRS has ever put out there. I'd reccomend this to someone who has never of this legend before.
Thank You!!
By Nvizaboman
Main reason your live show is still unparalleled; “ when you can rock for two hours straight without doing more than one verse per song, and you haven’t even done half your catalog,” you are beyond legendary, you are KRS-ONE. I still need the remix to “I’m Still #1,” The Roots brought Will Smith out to it the first episode of the new Tonight Show, creating an extremely nostalgic moment. I’m hoping this is the model for the Return of The Boom Bip. Kris “Ya Large!!”
Class of 74
Real Hip-Hop
By Silkychocolateman
Blassmaster & BDP Forever....
A Great Collection From KRS-One of the All-Time Greats
By Phil Phenomenal
For the young dummies out their who think todays hip hop is really hip hop, then go back to school and learn from the teacher KRS-One.