By Ubetternoht
These ladies are so passionate when they're playing music, how can I not love their albums?
BRAVO to these beautiful songbirds!!
By Freipeople
Saw them in concert at a small venue at a Mumford and Sons festival! Was blown away! And had a knowing they'd be going somewhere big!!
Love them!!!
By Sbrainard12
Simply wonderful!
By Omyitsflyky
So... I listened to this album non stop on Spotify. But I don't pay for Spotify and I don't know anybody who I can mooch off of to have it for free. So after having to listen on shuffle and using up all my skips right after a song that wasn't Joseph started to play, I got real frustrated and just bought the album. This is hands down one of the best decisions I've made in 2016 thus far. I ashamedly should have made it sooner.
Joseph makes me cry
By hizztizz
These ladies are gorgeous people with incredible voices and SUCH amazing moving harmonies. "Honest" is my favorite - find it on Youtube :)
By Bria Martin
Saw them at Quay in Kansas City. Brilliant. Their music makes you feel raw things that you didn't really know you had inside of you.. and I think that's significant in its own regard.
Soulful, tender and fierce!!!
By caleb from missouri
Just buy it for you and then gift it to your whole family. "Eyes to sky" alone is worth $10. So good
By sum tum
I just wanna to take a long ride while the soft drops of rain tap on my windshield. This is what this album does to me. LOVE this!
Please listen!!!
By Kstronge
You girls rock!!! Y'all have made my week! I need to buy this cd and I hope y'all can tour! Please come to VA!!! Such a wonderful group and their voices and music are majestical.
The best!
By Aliebabe
Amazing voices all wonderfully woven into beautiful songs.