The Grunge of the 90's is back !
By karEnTCB
Excellent music. Hope this band keeps writing more good songs.
By sparky2940
Reminds me of Camera Obscura.
Incredible album, awesome voice
By Andahalf
Favorite lyric of all time, "the paramedic thinks I'm clever cuz I play guitar. I think she's clever cuz she stops people dying"
Insanely creative and always an album I'm in the mood to listen to.
Love it!!!
By Joshua Waters
Courtney Barnett has just.... Simply spoke to me in a way that no one ever has before. And for that, I thank you and the members of your group. Keep the music coming. So I can keep living:)
Pretty Good!
By BelleKell
This is some fun music—as is her first “real” album (Sometimes I Sit).
She’s a bit irreverent, a bit witty, a bit batty-sounding, but I like it.
Rolling Stone Magazine likened her to Dylan with the lyrics and the first song I heard I thought, yeah, they’re right. No, I’m not saying she’s like Dylan or as good as Dylan with the lyrics or the music, but there’s definitely a Dylan—esque element going on here.
The music also has a heavy pinch of 90s grunge, which sounds great with her voice, accent and the lyrics.
She ought to be pretty interesting to watch. Much more interesting than pretty much everything new I’ve heard recently.
So cool
By RadioHab
Heard her a while back on NPR and bought this EP immediately. So many great songs here. I’ve seen her perform live on YouTube and one of the late night talk shows and she’s fantastic. I love the way she writes and how easy it is to get lost in her music. I hope she can make it to Florida sometime soon.
By WhiskersEm
I love how relaxed everything is. Very nice lyrically as well!
By Mcgrupp79
Just a mess of poorly produced melody lacking hipster garbage. Its a band that can barely play their instruments with a too cool kiwi, singing with no sense of harmony. It's like sticking a Q tip too far in your ear. Thank god it's only an Ep.
By Josh Guzek
Easily the best indie album I've ever heard
Avant Gardener is my life
By goldsoundz
I confess i haven't heard the rest of the album but Avant Gardener is easily my favorite song of the year so far so i will be completing this album when i can find the money for it