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Title Artist Time


  • Great ablum

    By Fxstuff
    I got a new ddr game and i looked up some of the stuff on itunes and was amaized at what i found Kaw, Smiley, Inspector K are all very good at what they do i enjoy the beats and the rythms that these bands have to offer for the price of 10 bucks for these 15 great songs it;s a great buy
  • dats hot!!!

    By Jazzy 123
    hahaha!!!...some of these songs are on flash flash revolution..
  • Incredible

    By Piccadilly Blue
    This is probably my favorite album I have ever purchased. Not only because it contains the full versions of songs from In The Groove (2), but because the music is so diverse and also, if listened through from Dawn to Frozen Fire, can take you through a lot of different moods.
  • Kyle A Ward is Awesome

    By mcannella
    i first heard Oasis and other of these songs on In the Groove machine, i must say that i really like thecno like this not the damn remixis. this album is really good
  • Yeah, it's great

    By delforg
    Utopia is my favorite song. KaW is more of a "tribal feel". Smiley does more happy synth work. Delirium is hilarious to really concentrate on. Inspector K is... just different. I can't explain it.
  • A disc with an awesome diversity of electronic styles

    By chrisdanford
    I've listened to this album dozens and dozens of times. The melodies are simple and catchy, and the variety of styles keeps will keep you entertained for many months. The KaW tracks are my favorites - particularly Kagami and Oasis.
  • The Best things in Life Come in Threes

    By Tugs
    A majority of electronica in today's scene is a majority of remixes with very few original visionary pieces that actually can hold their own unique sound amidst the rest. This is Synthsations, a trio of different styles by the talented Kyle Ward. Represented are his three personalities - KaW is a more low-key techno, Smiley is the candy raver kid, and Inspector K is just furious...drum and bass. Beginning with the rising chords of acoustic guitar in "Dawn" we splash into the happy hardcore of "Utopia" and from there it's a juxtaposition of all kinds of angles possible in techno, with excellent pacing throughout. Avid music gamers may recognize the title song from "In The Groove" also hidden in this album as well as many other songs. While many purchasers of this CD will make the pilgrimage for the full versions of game soundtrack any person not aware of this piece of art will definitely find it worth the price of admission.
  • Great Album- Very Diverse

    By Mr. Wizard
    KaW, Smiley and Inspector K are all the different musical personas of Kyle Ward, who's music is featured in the video game In The Groove. It's great to be able to buy the full versions of the songs.