You can tell...
By johnnie254
The whole EP is all about one thing: "booty". Booty here, booty there, booty everywhere! He even made an R&B booty song ("Twerk It My Way") can tell exactly how (hard) his career is going to end. Heck, he's not even signed to Epic Records anymore!
This is mindless garbage
By FeRnoir
This is absolute crap!
I like booty too, but umm? Bad.
By Old C-dogg
Well being a young man I like booty as much as the next man, but what is this? Boring? A joke? This crap is what music is now? And it's supposed to be cool and we're supposed to like this? How sad. Wheres the art in it? Don't even have to try anymore to be a musission do you? 2 pac would be puking in his grave!
Catchy, but all the same likable
By davidsep30
He didn’t stray too far from “Booty Me Down”; repetitiveness can get boring.
By ~Some guy~
Could be better but its aiyt
What a joke
By LivinLife101
Well don't waste your time trying to listen to this horrible wannabe UNK music
By Reggie&&&&
This is tight