The Loneliest Punk - Fatlip

The Loneliest Punk


  • Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
  • Release Date: 2005-10-25
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 19

  • ℗ 2005 2005 Delicious Vinyl


Title Artist Time
Fat Leezy Fatlip 1:47
Fatlip Intro Fatlip 0:35
First Heat Fatlip 3:43
The Bass Line Fatlip 1:27
Today's Your Day Fatlip 4:22
Freestyle Fatlip 0:15
Joe's Turkey Fatlip 4:14
I Got The Shit Fatlip 0:54
Writer's Block Fatlip 3:57
M.I.A. Fatlip 0:59
The Story of Us Fatlip 4:22
Cook Fatlip 4:10
Walkabout Fatlip 0:59
All On Fly Fatlip 4:23
Lyrical Styles Fatlip 1:24
Freaky Pumps Fatlip 3:54
He's an Outsider Fatlip 0:34
What's Up Fatlip Fatlip 3:22
Dreams Fatlip 3:51


  • The only reason this did not get 5 stars

    is because many of the songs dont stand out. the lyrical content is great across the board, but only two tracks jumped out at me. The story of us, and Whats up Fatlip I swear, i put whats up fatlip on repeat, and it got to about 100 plays before i got tired of it, and i still like it. one of my favorite songs
  • An unexpected gem

    By Sheon
    One had to wonder what was left for the lyrical former member of The Pharcyde after his virtual disappearence. However, Fatlip has reemerged with a lyrically creative and significant piece of Hip-Hop culture that becomes a "must have" for fans of the genre. From the opening track Fatlip displays a lyrical gift, well produced tracks that flow nicely together, and a playful maturity that goes well beyond his work with the Pharcyde. If you are interested enough to be considering this work you will be very pleased with the finished product.
  • Everyone Needs To Buy This

    By Benjahzen
    this is without question one of the best, funkiest, hip hop records i've heard in a yourself a favor and download the album
  • Fatlip-The Lonliest Punk

    By Free2bMe
    D. Showed the industry and the public that his talent survived his extended hiatus. The lyrics, the beats and the stories told on each track was both entertaining and well executed. I truly enjoyed the entire CD. He never sounded like any of it required much effort. Talent cannot be purchased, it is a gift. I loved it!!

    By funk junkie
    Nobody can dispute Fatlip's skills. Before we buy his album, we're all just hoping he brings the funk to compliment what he delivers. He delivers. Bam. In a BIG way. I almost dropped the rating to four stars because he leaves us hanging on a few really nice loops that never materialize into songs- just puts them in there as teasers I guess, or he was in a hurry to finally drop it on us. But the 5 stars remain because everything on the album is classic/reborn Fatlip and bangin' beats with great hooks and basslines. Don't stop it... yet... Lip.
  • Stick to your ribs hip hop

    By Asamov
    A solid album that feel's genuine. This albums got some great hooks, with a few slight misses and one or two slow spots. But definately a five star album for the power and pace over-all.
  • reverse bling!

    By sharpie
    finally a album that doesnt brag about the money and ho's! so amazing. this album is what hip hop needed. original & real with amazing beats and ya!
  • Worth It

    By shutyourface
    Great album worth it for the single from years back "What's Up Fatlip" alone!
  • Fatlip from the Pharcyde

    By P-Slim
    Fatlip was probably the best straight ahead rhymer of the original Pharcyde crew: "One fine summertime Sunday evening Crenshaw Boulevard was in full swing Perfect example of how looks can be deceiving Rolled up to what I thought was a pretty young thing Rollin in a purple samuri suzuki dookie braids was an aid to her sex appeal" On his new one Fatlip brings a new and mature sensibility to his rhymes. Like a trip down memory lane listening to his voice. Catch the Spike Jonze's revealing and self-deprecating documentary...I swear it makes the album sound better.
  • totally totally perfect

    By max wood
    i have been waiting for this record for YEARS, and i am honestly not disappointed at all. "what's up, fatlip?" alone is worth your $10. the way that song digs like a drill into what you would assume to be fatlip's private feelings of shame and isolation has never been topped, and never will be. this man's expressions are so unique and beautiful that once he's gone, it's lost forever. please buy this and convince mr stewart to continue on with the goodness. i do have one complaint, though -- the tracklist is seriously flawed (on itunes's part). whatevs, though, i guess.

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