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Title Artist Time


  • Amazing.

    By Smileyrosa
    "The History of a Cheating Heart" is one of my favorite songs. The album is unique and beautiful, I highly suggest this for everyone to listen to.
  • Press play

    By Abigwhale
    Gorillaz fan here. This album is so mellow, in a good way. I really enjoy chillin, laying down in bed listening to this. This my sleepy time music. You should def press play
  • Coa

    By Cony Coa
    A fantastic album. Damon put a lot of effort bringing the most original idea to the music. You may not fall in love right way when you first listen to the whole album from the 1st to the last song. But it definitely has the power to penetrate all your senses and linger in your brain.
  • Amazing!!!

    By thatonoguywithaface
    It's not Blur and it certainly is not Gorillaz, but it is amazing in it's own way!
  • One of my favorite albums of 2014

    By MGreen908
    Simply magnificent.
  • Surprising, in a good way.

    By mcchiefkins
    I don't mean the exact genre of the album is surprising, it's a delightful combination of almost everything Damon has done in the past, just mellowed out. This is definitely not a bad thing, and what surprised me is how although there was no real standout track, the album is a great home for Damon personally. I was glad to hear him have the lead vocals for the album, every song feels like a different part of him. Some people are saying the album is too moody, but if you like Gorillaz or GoodBad&Queen I think you've experienced this mood before. I hope this isn't his only solo work to come.
  • Beautiful, but too little range

    By Acid Jack
    This is one of those rare albums, like Beck's "Sea Change", that I find both incredibly beautiful and incredibly difficult to sit through. The problem is that it's ALL so moody and slow - there's not let up at all. Makes for a handful of excellent songs, another handful of okay ones, and an album I'll likely seldom listen to the whole way through. I would have been FAR more impressed if these slow songs were breathers between faster paced, less sad stuff.
  • Blurage

    By nkknknnknnkn
    A great, and beautiful album!! Just fantastic!! Personal favs: Heavy Seas of Love, Photographs, and Lonely Press Play
  • Phenomenal

    By I understand that referance
    Damon albarn has always been able to communicate deeply through his music and has been a part of so many musical projects and bands etc (all of which are contain worlds of wondrous songs in themselves) but he's really out done himself on this album. Brought me to tears during multiple songs on everyday robots, and the subjects on which damon covers are touching and so personal on not only on an individual level but on universal level too. Absolutely the best album this year if not in the past two years. Never stop making music you lovely lovely talented man
  • Satisfying

    By rarigc
    This album will satisfy me long enough until a new Gorillaz album comes out