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Title Artist Time


  • Amazing

    By Most AWESOME game ever!!!!
    I’ve grown up with both of your albums and I love both of them so much. I think you should make another album like supermodel, It’s one of the best albums i’ve ever heard.
  • Afraid of this album but no more

    By Boomerangbom
    I love FTP. I listen to SHC and Torches everyday. I have avoided Supermodel like the plague bc I heard it was a dud and was afraid it would change my opinion of the band. I finally decided to give it a listen bc I just couldn’t imagine FTP making bad music. Supermodel is just as good as Torches and SHC. I absolutely love it! I’m ashamed I let someone else’s opinion keep me from listening. I am fascinated by Mark Foster and his talent as a well rounded musician. I am sure there isn’t an instrument he can’t play, and Pontius mesmerizes me on the drums. He and Cimino seem like such quiet souls that comes alive when they preform. Innis seems very passionate about music. I love his energy. I’m convinced they are the best band of our time who seems to get overlooked. Maybe that is the way the band likes it.
  • dudud

    By That Guy 35346274
  • 🙏🏻🤙🏻🚶🏻‍♂️💔

    By sirhectorseroni
    The most underrated record of 2014.
  • Are you kidding?! This is great.

    By Brebreeeeeeeeeee
    In my opinion, this is a step up from Torches. FTP never disappoints. True music, true art.
  • One of my fav bands

    By xeldomx2
    they dont dissapoint (except that horrible pay the man remix but anyway...,
  • :)

    By Jsudheudnfifjfifkfffifgj
    It sounds nice to me.
  • Great!

    By Meeeeeeoooor
    People told me the Foster the people released a new album, supermodel. I first listened to Ask Yourself, I thought it was the best song from Foster the people. I fell in love with it until I heard Nevermind. I fell in love with those 2 songs, again. I fell in love to, Coming of Age, Psuedologia Fantastica, Best friend, A beginner's guide to destroying the moon, the truth, and now the whole album I loved Torches before, but now I love Supermodel better. I don't see what the people who hate Supermodel are talking about. It's great!!! Foster the people did a great job once again, addicted to this band's album
  • Amazing!!!

    By Fosterthepeopleislitaf
    These songs are so good Mark and the band obviously worked really hard!
  • Simply A Masterpiece

    By kylerez
    This album is easily a masterpiece. Beautiful lyrics and stories dangle out of Mark Fosters lips. Some songs are fast and catchy while others are slow and impactful. This album has no boundaries and every song has a different concept and story. The whole record is an emotional roller coaster as it really raises your self awareness. The guitars and drumming patterns are a nice touch as well. The album finishes off strong, almost like the band is exhausted from their struggles. This shows how the record is more than a series of songs, but an experience. This album is more superior than Torches and I believe it's one of the best records on the market. Favorites: Ask Yourself, Coming of Age, Best Friend, The Truth, Fire Escape