Infiniheart - Chad VanGaalen


Chad VanGaalen

  • Genre: Electronic
  • Release Date: 2005-08-23
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 16

  • ℗ 2005 Sub Pop


Title Artist Time
Clinically Dead Chad VanGaalen 2:19
After the Afterlife Chad VanGaalen 3:39
Kill Me In My Sleep Chad VanGaalen 5:59
J.C.'s Head On the Cross Chad VanGaalen 3:19
Somewhere I Know There Is Noth Chad VanGaalen 4:15
Blood Machine Chad VanGaalen 4:26
Echo Train Chad VanGaalen 3:20
Build a Home Like a Bee Chad VanGaalen 2:14
I Miss You Like I Miss You Chad VanGaalen 3:00
Red Blood Chad VanGaalen 4:03
1000 Pound Eyelids Chad VanGaalen 3:30
The Warp Zone/Hidden Bridge Chad VanGaalen 4:14
Chronograph #1 Chad VanGaalen 3:24
Sunshine Snare Hits Chad VanGaalen 3:59
Liquid + Light Chad VanGaalen 2:33
Traffic Chad VanGaalen 2:50


  • Honest

    By pumpkinrawk
    This album is amazing I would totally suggest to someone who likes honest type of music, i.e.: old modest mouse, pixies, wilco, pavement. The sound it self is lofi and very unproduced which makes the music as a whole, very honest and appealing. Chad is an awesome song writer and the instrument arrangements are extremely clever and unique. - A MUST HAVE.
  • stumbled upon it and love it

    By ilovemyitunes
    a very gifted artist. but, thats not limited to playing guitar, he plays multiple instruments, writes all the music and lyrics, and then produces the albums all on his own. not to mention he animates some of his best songs with his own amazing artwork. get on to youtube and watch some of the videos he's created. we need more Chad Vangaalen's to keep real art alive!
  • not like everything else.

    By nice use of verbs!
    this is not like everything else. sometimes one gets lost in indie pretentiousness and forgets why they ever got into the genre at all. chad vangaalen wil renew your faith.
  • Fantastic

    By OK CPU
    "My blood is red, when it spills from me....My blood turns blue, when your not with me…" -Red Blood Brooding low-fi leading to astounding (at times absurd) build-ups and then very catchy pop tunes, both matched perfectly with lyrics comparable to Elliott Smith. Best not to pick and choose single tracks, as this whole release is fantastic. Thank you, Mr. VanGaalen! ….Thank you Mr. VanGaalen!
  • :-) !!!

    By canadian_apple_juice
    THIS is what i want music to sound like
  • Chad VanGaalen, King of Lo-Fi Basement Rock

    By vitaminRAD
    For 10 years, Chad VanGaalen has been toiling away in obscurity. His first commercially available album "Infiniheart" is a spacey trip through a sonic prairie wasteland. Chad VanGaalen acts as singer, songwriter & producer on the album - a true renaissance man. Restrained, yet full of Lo-Fi energy. I recommend checking out - Clinically Dead - Blood Machine - Liquid + Light
  • wow

    By stc
    had never heard of him but i saw him open for wolf parade and he almost stole the show. fans of lo-fi rejoice, this is largely recorded in his bedroom and is quirky but solid songwriting.
  • Live Shows are amazing

    By thedp5k
    This album is an unexpected mix of sounds and feeling. Although it seems to be the first major release for Vangaalen, his ability to create good solid music is obvious. JC's Head on the Cross sounds completly different to Traffic or Liquid+Light, yet all 3 are on the album. This is worth checking out... as well as some of his live shows. I'll be at the mercury lounge in nyc dec 2

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