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Title Artist Time


  • Pure dopeness

    By H Maroon
    Fashawn is one of the realest MCs today. His storytelling, wordplay, and creativity is second to none.
  • Hip-hop at it's finest

    By AngelaBoyan
    There's a reason why Fashawn has been on the cover of XXL Freshemen 2010 edition, why Nas has publically acknowledged his skills, and why he performed in the ring during the Tim Bradley vs. Manny Pacquiao title bout. It's because of this "Boy Meets World" album. If you haven't listened to it, do yourself a favor and cop it.
  • Modern day classic

    By AkeemAsari
    Fashawn's debut album Boy Meets World is a must-have for any modern hip-hop collection. From beginning to end, the lyrics are breath of fresh air and you can tell he takes the craft seriously. The whole album is produced by Exile and reminds me of the golden days of hip-hop when a producer such as DJ Premier would create an entire soundscape for a rapper's album. My favorite tracks are "Our Way" and "Samsonite Man".
  • Incredible Artist

    By Nickalv
    As a huge classic hip-hop fan I was surprised to discover Fashawn recently as a hidden gem, and there is no doubt that he has incredible talent and potential. Along with great productions on the tracks, Fashawn's lyrical insights are introspective and catchy. I highly recommend this entire album.