Absolutely other-worldly - in the most beautiful way
By Snerticus
Although some of the tracks are intense, the softer "flutier" music, as in Ba'Ku Village puts you in paradise when you listen to it. This album has some of the most beautiful contemporary instrumental music I've heard.
By NicholasBorelli
I'm one of the many who bought this JUST for the opening track; Ba'Ku Village... I had hoped that at least New Sight and Healing Process would be great as well, but... No. Many of the tracks suffer from this bizzare, bad 70's techno/electronica "space music" sound, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be the Son'a theme or what... But it annoys me. It's not like the semi annoying V'ger twang from TMP, that at least grew on me. It just sounds... Bad.
New Sight starts good; has the theme I wanted in it but then goes off into this other bit of annoyance I didn't need. The Healing Process is mostly the battle in space and aboard the collector at the end of the movie- The main focus the title implies would be the reunion between the the Ba'Ku woman and her estranged son and the hijinks with Data in the haystack before beaming back to the Enterprise-E, not the previous 5-6 minutes of jarring action-packed space battle music.
THEN it gets worse because the next track is gapless with that one. That means you're stuck listening to 7 minutes, 15 seconds of something that bleeds into the end credits in order to get the full effect. It's not like the end of First Contact where you can just listen to a separate mellow track during quiet time.
It just irks me. This movie was pretty decent, soundtrack is both calming and jarring at times, but the production/grouping together or whatever of the tracks just annoys me. Either do gapless tracks like on The Motion Picture 20th anniversary that have fairly unobtrusive breaks in them or leave them separate like on Final Frontier or First Contact. I wish I hadn't even bought this.
CAUTION: When you see ALBUM ONLY next to every track- Don't buy it unless your having a fit of OCD like me. I just bought Nemesis as well since it the last one I need to have every single Trek soundtrack... I just hope I don't regret it like this one.
Jerry Goldsmith is an amazing composer and it is sad that he is no longer with us, but this is not his best work. I want to like it more han I do... But... it's not happening.
Comparing this soundtrack to TMP or Final Frontier is like comparing The original Star Wars Trilogy soundtracks to The Prequel soundtracks- It's just not quite... Right... For some reason. It could have been much better without certain things added in the background, it ends up jumbled, chaotic and just devolves into noise. I would also compare it to (of all things) Guns N' Roses first two albums- Simple and straight foward, but good. Then along comes Use your Illusion I and II. Overprocessed, over done, too much background filler, too much background vocals... TOO MUCH WHISTLING.
I don't know the technical musical terms but... The tracks on this album just have too much going on in them that take away from the core themes.
If you can find it, get The Final Frontier; Horrible, horrible movie, but except for one or two annoying tracks; A damn good soundtrack. First Contact- Also great except for some corny, jarring, almost frightening sounds that jar you out of the experience at the end of one or two tracks. The best would have to be The Motion Picture. Download it, make damn sure you go into GET INFO and make it a gapless album, burn it and enjoy. Best Star Trek Soundtrack Ever. Not the greatest movie by a long shot... But a better auditory experience than Insurrection... I just hope Nemesis is better.
Another Jerry Goldsmith great. A must buy here, and on CD.
By vincedog3
Jerry Goldsmith was a great composer who can paint many different textures and paterns with his music that would take an acceptable movie..Insurrection, and turn it into magic with a powerful score. Gentle with the Ba'Ku theme, and ugent danger and excitement the next, along with his powerful theme that was The Motion Picture and TNG's for years. This itunes and Cd have this and more. A great listen, and a great toast to one of the great movie composers ever.
What Up?
By stealthsaturn
Why is it that Itunes only has 3 movie soundtracks of Star Trek! I think they should add all of them! Great Soundtracks! I would buy them all! I already have all the movies and now am collecting all the series!
By Anakin Rocks!
By AceMurad
I really like this music! Insurrection has some of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard in my life since I last heard Beethoven and Mozart.
By Big*Al
All they need to do now is add the actual films on itune!
Goldsmith at his best!
By skillz5
Star Trek has never been more fun. Although the movie script was par, the music is true entertainment. Listen to the music and watch the movie again and you can feel the tense emotion throughout the experience. The "Ba'Ku Village" is beyond awesome utilizing music from The Original Series to First Contact. "New Sight" has to be the best song on this one. The action music in "The Drones Attack" is classic Trek and Goldsmith. The 1 minute songs are noteable, but just fillers. The longer songs are worth the purchase. Overall, with many of Goldsmith's latest scores..a little short, but there are much worse. If you enjoy true emotional music...get it!
Great Music by Jerry Goldsmith
The true sounds of Star Trek.
Makes the film more interesting the next time you watch it.