
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Love you

    By Jason18492929
    I love au5
  • Brilliant

    By samjhopkins9
    Au5 and Fractal are both amazing artists. I like their collaborations a lot. This was an amazing EP.
  • Just buy it

    By Natemarler
    If you like edm don't waste another second and just buy this album. This album significantly improved my life.
  • Best EP I've ever heard.

    By SupahNinjah34
    I love this EP so much. My favorite is smoke. Second is Blue. Third is dreaming and secret weapon. But I love them all.
  • Dans la lune!

    By orthocat
    Au5 and Fractal hit a home run with this one. Put on the phones and crank it - listen to some masters of this art.
  • Literally perfect.

    By Himmelhoch2016
    All 4 tracks on this album are really magical. Blue is an absolutely insane Drumstep song that pumps adrenaline faster than you can even notice. Secret Weapon is an incredible, unique experience for the ears, and is one of the most original dubstep songs I've heard in years. Dreaming is one of the only well produced and straight-up wonderful house songs in the business lately. It puts a smile on my face every time. And Smoke is a great, feel-good Electro tune that's sure to appeal to everyone. This is possibly the best possible way to spend $5 I can think of. It is a must have.
  • The Perfect EP

    By pal8080
    I've always loved both of these artists, especially when they collaborate to make an EDM song. Now that they've made an EP I can't stop listening.
  • Epic!!!

    By Soundatureouy
    They make such an awesome duo