Trying to be a Nobody Instead
By SomeActorGuy
In 2008, as part of her debut, Ms. Bryna financed her own marketing and plastered her image all over Vegas, being the first country artist to try and capture the gambling public. She shot the moon and lost as her album was rated one of the worst albums of the year. Just goes to show how you may have money, but it don't mean you got talent. This collection of songs is not memorable and all sound like songs Martina, Reba and Dolly gave a thumbs down. What's sad is Bryna oversings with her fake country accent (she grew up in Northern MD and is to country what Hee Haw is to punk rock--not a good match) and so the album's title betrays her as she sounds like she's desperate to sound like somebody; just not herself. I saw her live and her stage banter is worse than the singing. She comes off as self-involved. For a 20 something, that's okay. For a woman approaching her mid 40's, its sad. Bryna is trying to resurrect this CD now that she's signed with a new label. She should have left this album for dead and learned to act more like a serious artist. To watch her Tik Tok videos (remember she is old enough to be a mother of a 22 year old) is more than cringe, it's truly a cry for help as most of her fans don't care about the music one bit. She's better off on Only Fans. But no matter. Bryna comes from great wealth so to her, this is all fun and she's just living her dream. It's just that she's truly doing the fake it until you make it approach. Ms. Bryna, take back your real name and hang up trying for stardom. There is a burned bridge here and you can't seem to smell the ambers of a career that never really took off.