By amplifylc
They should bring back her old music videos. I miss the 90's :(
Very impressive
By GleekCheckers
She was amazing as a 13 year old... and her song I will learn to love again in the movie The Perfect Man was awesome! I'm 13 too and i wish i could get to where she was at age 13. That would be so cool! Great job Kaci You are truely an idol. :)
By nikkyyy
her voice is so real and the intensity is sooo there! SHES THE NEXT BIG THING! not. maybe your not anybody's girl because nobody wants you
By ilovevep
at 1st i had no idea how she wa smy friend told me about her,she is awesome!
ONLY 13!
By HoTTnFlyDancer
OH MY GOSH! This song is fab-u-lous! I can't believe that this girl is only 13! She looks so mature in the picture, I thought she was like 16 or something! Anyway, I think this girl is on her way to the top. She just needs to break out a few more great singles and she's got it in the bag!
By hamham3binky
It's ok not my favorite
13? Wow!
By ipodrock
Hey, Kaci's pretty good for only 13! I think this album is very good! My favorite song of her's is "Just an Old Boyfriend". Hah! There's something ("Just an Old Boyfriend"), it's so great! Kaci is amazing!
Great CD
By Female Rock Star
I frst heard her in The Perfect Man and I loved her songs evere since
I love this CD!!!
By -peace.love.music-
Wow! This CD is really cool, I see she has a deep voice like me. But i am not as good as her!! I wish i was though.
Hannah Montana
By nickjismylover
Why isnt this girl Hannah Montana?!? She would be soooooo good playing that role! Someone please tell the producers about her!!!