So Good!
By 1SadPanda
Looking forward to more DISL on iTunes. <3 it!
5 Star Healthy Rap!
By PolarThaWhite
Disl Automatic is just that! Automatically a hit! A true lyricist that feeds your mind and soul with words and a message that lives and bleeds truth and freedom! "They Dont Care About Us" is a song in direction to what has and what is still going on to this day by profit driven corporations and global elitist. Disl brings to life the questions you should be asking. The info you should be searching for. You cant go wrong supporting his movement.
My New Favorite Song!
By Buy Payday Monsanto Music Only
DISL Automatic doesn't have a bad song, They Don't Care About Us is an unbelievable track! The beat and lyrics and off the hook and this track will prove to be an instant classic.