
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Surprised and happy

    By yonasda
    Was listening to Sade radio and her song comes on and immediately wanted to research her and I'm hooked!! I would love to collab with her! Dope music!! - Queen YoNasDa
  • More artists like her

    By classywithasideofratchet
    The industry really needs more music like this with more artists like her. The music doesn't feel forced or fake. It feels like Lorine Chia. You can vibe to it quite nicely. I got hip to her with her mixtape Lorine, which I recommend everyone to download if you haven't already, and was quite excited to learn she had an album. Keep doing your thing Lorine. I will be looking forward to future projects from her.

    By Coolhcdjb
    Lorine Chia is my new favorite artist. Her music is so amazing and everyone should get lost in her words. Worth way more than $7.99 in my opinion. Keep up the good work!
  • AwesomeπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

    By N_Lo
    She's come a long way and she's doing her thing!! This is chill and deep at the same time. I think it's something for everyone, buy it!!!!!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
  • The Truth

    By Jazzandash
    I'd have to rate this the albulm of the year. Sleepers will soon be awakened.
  • A Must Have

    By Fred The Mailman
    This album is reminiscent the glory days of the 90s. Smooth beats, killer vocals, and a vibe that is simply soulful. So good to hear some real music in an age where everything seems over produced and over hyped.
  • Nice cd

    By quawy2014
    This is a really really good cd
  • It is amazing

    By Nangakbye
    I don't know how to explain how amazed I was. Loved it loving it. I recommend more than anything.
  • Amazing.

    By SoXCrystal
    This is an amazing project that Lorine Chia has put together. I love the production on all songs. It's a must to have in your playlist. πŸ’•