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Title Artist Time


  • A light.

    By AKbrain
    The first time these three legends shared a studio or a song, it was on a Monday, by Tuesday this album had been conceived, born and perfected. Truly amazing.
  • Singular

    By kanjimoti
    Money Jungle, Kind of Blue, and Soul Station are my three favorite jazz albums of all time. Listening to Money Jungle makes me think Ellington, Mingus, and Roach were holed up for a couple of days in the studio with either a case of gin or tequila and this is what came out. While Mobley’s Soul Station is lyrical and somewhat subdued, Money Jungle is wild and beautiful.
  • Crazy

    By bht
    If you are an Ellington fan (and if you’re not, you don’t enjoy music), this is a revelatory album. His playing is truly an amalgam of vintage and ‘60s near experimental. Not out-there Mingus, but he doesn’t just accompany by any means...