I've always loved this album
By Sangron
At the time of it's release, 'The Hunter" was not well recieved even though it did have one hit single "Island of Lost Souls". Ironically, it would mark Blondie's demise as a group until they reformed and recorded "No Exit" and the other albums that follow. The good news is that "The Hunter" is no longer Blondie's last album.
Honest Attempt To Mature
By MyCatRugby
The album is not as bad as most have made it out to be. Blondie was already a mature act, and they all felt they needed to change things and try something different and different rather than rely on the old statud quo. This was evident after attending a back stage function with them back in the day. Unfortunately the fans wanted them to stay in the cookie cutter pattern and continue on with the same old stuff. As a musician, it doesn't always work that way and you want to try new things. War Child is a stand out on this album, especially the extended version. One of my favorites.
Not Their Best, But Still Worth It
By sanfranboy
If you compare it to the previous three Blondie albums ,The Hunter may seem weak, but on it’s own it still contains some fine tunes, as well as some of Debbie’s best lyrics. Unfortunately by 1982 the world had moved on and the Hunter was seen as a last attempt to capture an audience that had already embraced newer artists. Personally I think this album is among Blondie’s top five best works and certainly deserves a listen.
Not one of their best efforts.
By Mark3785
Been a big fan since they first came on the scene but this album leaves me flat.