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  • it's Tim at his best, also try C. Kenneth Lee's music on itunes.

    By Candis P.
    Tim is famous for his many albums that come out each year. Every album has it's story, a great picture and a collection of fine works for synths,piano and real instruments. But This live CD has featured a whole orchestra live and never been released tracks. You can hear the notes live with a real orchestra, which really brings his vision into full swing. If u enjoy Tim janis, also try C. kenneth Lee on iTunes.
  • An Albun To Lift You Up

    By jarodmoves
    It is really two different albums, the first 13 different than the last group, all with that unseen quality that can take you from where you are to a better place. American Composer inspires and puts you in the music; giving you wings that enable you to soar very sounds that are lifted up.