That's nuts. This is a beautiful album
By BelleKell
I'm not a huge Sarah Brighman fan. The only other works of hers that I own are Phantom and the duet with Andrea Bocelli (Time To Say Goodbye). Okay, so every housewife on the block (and even Carmella Soprano, lol) loved the duet with Bocelli.
I am not just any housewife, however. I'm way way cooler than that, with a music library that will rock your socks off (huge Led Zepp fan, Pink Floyd. lots of classic rock, plus lots of classical, too much to name). I HAVE to disagree with this "official" review.
This album has some very beautiful music on it. Colder Than Winter made me cry. It reminded me of my son … off in school in Colorado. It's a gorgeous song. (He's a wonderful guy … and I miss him so much.)
The first song on the album is a great addition to any xmas collection. Arrival. It's very festive-sounding, really a beautiful arranged song. A fitting way to open an album with "symphony' in the title. The orchestra is wonderful--it is on the entire album.
TWO Ave Marias are probably too much, yes. They should have left one out. That's probably the only real flaw on this album. Other than that, I really like this. A lot.