Should have listened more…
By twist6339
I give this a 2 because the chanting was actually good. However, I was hoping for authentic Native American Music. This is to a point, but the background music is so overproduced with all sorts of modern sounds & synthesizers. If you are looking for the simplicity & authentic Native American instruments, this is NOT the right album for you. I chose it b/c it was on the top of almost every search I did for Best Native American Albums…I should have listened to more of the songs. There are so many albums that do the simplicity & beauty of this music better.
Inner Dimension
By D'AuraeGaiaNi'e
Seeking oneness with the universe that is within yourself....not only taps your mental consciousness, but the often neglected innate trait we have as god-like beings. The sootheness of the chants and melodies transcend one's mind and body as part of the whole: earth and the pacifies the mind from materialistic chaos.
This is real America
By Timboh711
This music has moved me in so many ways, simply amazing
By Bleeker
I've only listened to a few previews and this is high quality native American-influenced music. I've been looking for something to go along with Robbie Robertson's CD "Music for Native Americans" and this is it!