
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Should have listened more…

    By twist6339
    I give this a 2 because the chanting was actually good. However, I was hoping for authentic Native American Music. This is to a point, but the background music is so overproduced with all sorts of modern sounds & synthesizers. If you are looking for the simplicity & authentic Native American instruments, this is NOT the right album for you. I chose it b/c it was on the top of almost every search I did for Best Native American Albums…I should have listened to more of the songs. There are so many albums that do the simplicity & beauty of this music better.
  • Inner Dimension

    By D'AuraeGaiaNi'e
    Seeking oneness with the universe that is within yourself....not only taps your mental consciousness, but the often neglected innate trait we have as god-like beings. The sootheness of the chants and melodies transcend one's mind and body as part of the whole: earth and the cosmos...it pacifies the mind from materialistic chaos.
  • This is real America

    By Timboh711
    This music has moved me in so many ways, simply amazing
  • Wonderful!

    By Bleeker
    I've only listened to a few previews and this is high quality native American-influenced music. I've been looking for something to go along with Robbie Robertson's CD "Music for Native Americans" and this is it!