
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Amazing Voice! Best song ever!

    By Drudrupinsku
    This guys has an amazing voice. God bless him!
  • Hmm

    By ❤️Games!!!
    My CD has hollywood where is it on this? It should be track 11
  • 😇😘😍😎🤓😜

    By Macy Elizabeth
    It makes my want to dance!!!
  • YES

    By Victoria_Elizabethh
    Just rediscovering this album after seven years. I NEVER review anything, but because it's just as incredible now as it was then- I feel a sudden desire for everyone I have EVER met to listen to this on repeat. YOU get a Michael Buble Cd, and YOU get a Michael buble cd, and YOU...get the picture. One of my favorite CD's ever created. Listening to this, I feel like a member of the Rat Pack even though I'm a broad so they would never have let me in. These songs even have the potential to make you believe you are a part of one of those couples that dances in the kitchen together. As my boyfriend's father would say, I'm feeling 'inspired'. My GOD 'All I Do is Dream of You' is the jam. Overall, there is a lot of snapping and dancing like my mom involved. No kitchen dancing yet, but slowly headed that way. I'm not even embarrassed, because this album really is THAT good.
  • voice of an angel

    By sydney.gowen
    love you
  • Amazing!!

    By DesiAmiJohn
    Michael has such an amazing voice that makes you want to slow dance in the middle of the dance floor with no one watching that's how great he is😘❤️
  • Liam's song

    By IALA02
    Thank you Michael For making cry me a river. Liam passed cuz of the song
  • 😢soo beautiful

    By Zasha 123123123123
    This guy has a gifted voice
  • Showing his Versatility as an artist yet again!

    By Thedevman
    I think this album was a pivot point form Michael. From the first song to the last, he invokes a wide range of musical styles from his signature “Rat pack” sound, in the very first song “Cry me a river” that I am sure Sinatra himself would be proud of, to blues, bebop and even, a great “Standin on a street corner singing A Capella doo wop, with perhaps (for me anyway) the best rendition of “stardust” ever recorded. The smooth, fade in of his voice with “Naturally 7” reminded me of something out of an old Bing Crosby or Dean Martin movie, when crooners were the rockstars of their time, and the young bobbie socked girls swooned… Way before my time,by 20 years, but relevant. There was a “James Bond 007” theme in a couple of songs, and I REALLY thought that “Cry me a River” was going to be the next bond theme. The only song I did not like very much was his rendition of “At this moment”. I am a BIG Billy Vera Fan, and that song is forever his (although I have brought the karaoke crowd(s) to their feet with my rendition many times but…). All in All a very good album. Michael Buble is going to be a mega star, who’s star I hope never falls. Great album!
  • Love love love it

    By Loopycra-z girl
    He has such an amazing voice and his songs are great 👍👍